Chapter 325: Tried To Escape

The opening ceremony for the Saisei Ryokan was finally completed. Yu Qi could now take a breath of relief. The next day, after the opening ceremony, those people who got the free ticket to enjoy the onsen came, and the numbers were very large. Sister Chui Mei Fung had to set another rule, they could only enjoy the onsen for two hours in order to make sure that everyone who came could enjoying the onsen.

Yu Qi could relax for now. her greenhouse had Song Tao to manage it, her investment company had Su Yu Hi to manage that and her ryokan had Sister Chui Mei Fung to manage it. Other than that, Su Yu Hi was still her personal assistant.

The semester break was soon going to be over and she only had one more week left to settle the things here. What things? He he he... Wang Fu Ya, of course. Yu Qi had only delayed finishing Wang Fu Ya off because of the opening ceremony, but now that the opening ceremony was done, it was time to get even with Wang Fu Ya.