Chapter 337: Punch Him Several Times


Yu Qi could climb back but that was too difficult to doing so because the escalator was moving. She might fall back.

So, Yu Qi observed her surroundings. Looking for something that she could find to help her from falling down and getting injured in the process. She saw the wires but it was so thin, she figured it would not be helping her at all.

Then she saw a poster. The poster was indeed long. It reached the first floor. From what she could see, the poster was made up of some kind of cloth. If she jumped and grabbed the poster, she could slide down.

But the distance of the poster was currently a little bit far from her. She needed some accelerator to jump forward to the poster.

Using her hands, she swang forward and backward. Seeing her act, people below were screaming. 

"Girl, hang on."

"Be strong."