Chapter 380: Yu Qi's Past Life (Part 7)

"So, I want my granddaughter to come back and live with me." Grandpa Mu dropped another bomb on the Wang Couple.

Madam Wang felt lost because Yu Qi's current salary was very high. With that money, the expense of the house was affordable and she had money balance in her pocket. So, losing that source of money was very hard for her.

"Sir Mu, we really love our daughter. I think..." Madam Wang did not even finish the sentence.

Grandpa Mu interrupted her talk. "Oh, really?" Grandpa Mu narrowed his eyes.

When that happened, Mr Wang and Madam Wang could feel the pressure. The pressure was very great. The Wang couple clenched their fist and were held back by the pressure from Grandpa Mu.

"Humph!" Grandpa Mu gave a cold look to the Wang Couple.