Chapter 385: I Want To Share The News With You

It was the weekend. Yu Qi did not have any activity. After morning jogging, she occupied her space experimenting the medicine. The medicine was for Grandpa Mu.

Suddenly her phone was ringing. She answered the phone without looking at the caller.

Yu Qi: "Hello."

Long Hui: "Qi Qi."

Yu Qi: "Brother Hui?"

Yu Qi took a look at her phone. The name was really Long Hui.

Long Hui: " Qi Qi?"

Yu Qi: "Yeah?"

Long Hui: "Where are you right now?"

Yu Qi: "In my room."

Long Hui: "Can you come out?"

Yu Qi: " Huh?"

Long Hui: "I'm standing in front of your hostel, right now."

Yu Qi: "Huh? Really? Wait for a moment."

Yu Qi quickly left the space. Aoi was dumbfounded with it. Usually, his master would bring him out too.

"What happens?" Aoi looked at Bo Ya.

"That man came." Bo Ya answered. Since he was inside Yu Qi's mind, he heard the conversation.

"Oh." Aoi made an 'O' with his mouth.