Chapter 431: Threw A Bait

Yu Qi sent Ming Xuehai to a clinic to treat his wounds. At first, Ming Xuehai rejected that offer. He insisted that it was nothing, just some bruises.

Yu Qi asked why he did not want to go and treat his bruises. Ming Xuehai was silent. He actually was very embarrassed to say the reason. The reason was simple. It was because of money. 

He did not have extra money to waste. Since the bruises would disappear after a few days, he should let them be instead of wasting money on treating them. 

"If it is because of money, you don't need to worry about it. I will pay for you." Yu Qi said.

"But..." Ming Xuehai wanted to decline.

But Yu Qi insisted. Ming Xuehai did not want his goddess to get angry, so he silently followed his goddess to treat his bruises and wounds. The doctor treated him and said it was nothing but normal bruises and wounds. He would be fine after a few days.

"Oh, no. My job." Ming Xuehai suddenly shouted.