Chapter 492: Of Course, My Girl Would Be Excellent.

The two of them decided to get out of the space. Yu Qi wanted Long Hui to rest more but Long Hui insisted to go out. He told Yu Qi that it was not good for them to be missing for a long time. 

With that decision, Yu Qi came out with an explanation to be explained to others. They were indeed missing for a long time. 

They went out. Since they had entered the space while at the forest, they would be in the forest too after they got out of the space. 

"We need to walk through this forest." Yu Qi said.

"It's okay." Long Hui assured his beloved Qi Qi. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi was worried about him.

So, they walked at a slow pace. Yu Qi insisted. She did not want to put a burden on Long Hui's body. He just recovered.

"Hui, is that you?" It was Ren Qian Yi's voice. 

Yu Qi and Long Hui turned at the direction where they had heard the voice coming from. They could see that Ren Qian Yi was running towards them with a happy expression.