Chapter 537: Compete In Shooting

Yu Qi, Su Yu Hi, and Ming Xuehai read the report given by Song Tai. Su Yu Hi already frowned when he read the first page as well as Ming Xuehai.

In the report, it was stated that a spy had intruded into their factory. He or she had been trying to break through Song Tai's room. They probably think that the secret recipe of Qi Qi skincare was in that room.

However, they did not manage to break through the room since there were multiple locks that Song Tai had installed on that door. So, because of the multiple locks, the spy believed that Song Tai had stored the secret recipe in that room.

Song Tai did not manage to identify the spy. The spy was very clever since when he or he did it, the CCTV camera on the hallway was not functioning at that time. Obviously, the spy did something to the CCTV camera.