Chapter 545: Another Shameless Relative

Si Family was still sitting in the living room. Others had already returned to their room. Ming Yue waved her hands signalling the maids to go while she approached the Si Family.

"Ming Yue..." Si Su Zen called her name. She wanted to ask something.

"Si Su Zen, I don't mind if you want to stay for a few days more..." Ming Yue began to talk.

"Really? Ming Yue, thank you." Si Su Zen smiled. She did like to stay in this house since everything would be prepared by the maids. She did not have to do anything.

"But, I need to remind you of one thing." Ming Yue looked at Si Su Zen while talking to her with a weird tone.

"What is it?" Si Su Zen did not feel anything weird with Ming Yue's tone.

"You should watch your mouth. This is my home. As well as Yu Qi. She is my niece, the beloved granddaughter of my father in law." After Ming Yue said her words, she left.