Chapter 573: Give The Gift

After finished attaching the spirit on Wei Zhu Feng, Yu Qi was standing, leaning to the wall. She picked a glass of juice from the drinks table. Well, she did not intend to drink any alcohol. She had a weak alcohol tolerance. She would never forget the night when she had drunk the wine and attacked Long Hui. 

She was drinking the juice when someone came and greeted her. 

"Hi." It was a young man. Probably a second generation young master of the rich family. 

"Hi." Yu Qi just nodded and greeted him back. Otherwise, it would be rude. However, she did not know the man.

"It seems you are alone. Want to accompany me? I also don't have a partner for tonight." The man smiled.

"Sorry. I already have a partner." Yu Qi rejected his invitation.

"You don't have to lie. I just observe you. You have just talked to a woman and a man. No one is by your side." The man still did not give up.