Chapter 637: Choosing The Place For Internship

Chapter 637: Choosing The Place For Internship

"Are you sure that you want to intern at this hospital?" The Dean asked Yu Qi for another time. He had asked this question to Yu Qi several times already.

Yu Qi had been called by the Dean after submitting her application form for her internship in the hospital. The Dean seemed to unsatisfied with her choice. 

"Is there any problem with my application?" Yu Qi asked.

"No, but... You can apply to another place." The Dean said.

"You mean my family's hospital?" Yu Qi already thought about this.

"Yeah." The Dean nodded.

"No." Yu Qi firmly rejected.

"But why?" The Dean wanted to know the reason.

Yu Qi sighed. "I want to learn at the place where my status is not important. That is why I have submitted my application for Guanying General Hospital." Yu Qi explained.