Chapter 706: You Should Get married As Fast As You Can.

Chapter 706: You Should Get married As Fast As You Can.

Sunshine Company had declared bankruptcy. Business newspaper and internet had been discussing about this. During this half month, Sunshine Company had struggled a lot after its market price was dropped. The market price continuously dropped after the first drop.

The owner of Sunshine Company, Sun Wei Ya rejected to be interviewed when some of the reporters wanted to interview them. Sun Wei Ya's attitude showed there was something was happened to the company.

Some of them believed that Sun Wei Ya conducted something wrong and was found by someone, so, he needed to declare bankruptcy. However, there was some rumour telling that Qi Qi Skincare was involved in this. 

They stated it was Qi Qi's counterattack. The rumour was saying that Sunshine Company was involved in Qi Qi's problem that selling fake products to the customers.