Chapter 719: Deliver The News

"Beauty, follow me." Vice captain said ended Yu Qi's thought.

"Can I borrow your toilet?" Yu Qi suddenly asked.

"Oh, beauty must be holding for so long. Come, I will show you where it is." Vice captain said. 

Yu Qi followed him to the toilet. The toilet was about to collapse. 

"Beauty, it is the toilet." Vice captain said.

Yu Qi entered without saying anything. She just needed a place where anybody could not see her. She looked around and felt there was no one around that was looking at her. 

Yu Qi entered the space and took Aoi out. Aoi was very worried about his master when Bo Ya was reporting from inside space.

'Master...' Aoi called his master.

'Aoi, listen.' Yu Qi spoke with a serious tone.

Aoi immediately listened to Yu Qi. 'Yes, master.'

'Go and bring Brother Hui here. Tell him there is an armed group here. Do you remember his smell?' Yu Qi gave her order.