Chapter 732: Mother's Love

"Auntie Ming Yue, Auntie Su Xia, what are you doing here?" Yu Qi was very surprised to see her aunties here. 

Yu Qi came to the cafe when hearing that two middle aged women asked for her from a nurse. 

Yu Qi could see from the far that the women that she fully knew, were having some drinks at the hospital's cafe. They just arrived at Guanying City. Since it was daylight, they figured that Yu Qi might still be working. 

"Coming to see you. I miss you, my dear." Ming Yue was about to hug her tightly but when she remembered that the girl was injured before, she held back.

"My dear, you are still working?" Su Xiao also came to hug her and she was thinking the same thing as Ming Yue. 

"Yes, I will be going to watch one minor surgery at two p.m." Yu Qi nodded.

"I see. Do you have the night shift today?" Ming Yue asked again.

"Nope." Yu Qi shook her head.