Chapter 755: Dinner With Family

"Auntie Ming Yue!!!" Yu Qi said.

"What!!!" Ming Yue looked back. She saw Yu Qi who was giving her a back hug. "You, child!!! You come home?" 

"Hmm... I am back." Yu Qi released her auntie.

Ming Yue turned and faced Yu Qi. She looked up and down. "You have lost your weight again." It was the first evaluation that she made when she saw Yu Qi.

"What? I am eating a lot, Auntie. How can I lose weight?" Yu Qi looked at her body.

"We need to pump you up with food." Auntie Ming Yue made the decision. "I will cook a delicious meal for you."

Yu Qi laughed. "Okay. I will be waiting for it. I will go and see Auntie Su Xiao next." 

"Do you know where she is?" Ming Yue asked.

"Grandpa Han has already told me. She is at the garden attending her flowers." Yu Qi made a peace sign. "Auntie Ming Yue, See you later."