Chapter 905: They Are Not Here

"Who knows? Don't think too much about it. Let's go and meet with him. Zhu Yao is still waiting to come out." Ling Man said as they entered the shop.

They saw a man that seemed to be a shopkeeper. So they went to him and asked him.

"Hello there. Can we meet Doctor Tang Jiang Man?" Ling Man did want to waste any time, so he directly asked him about Grandpa Tang.

"Wait here." The shopkeeper was Song Nan.

Song Nan had been told by Hang Chu Xiao if someone came to ask for Grandpa Tang, he should call her. Well, he knew that Grandpa Tang was not here. And he did not want to deal with these men. 

Then Song Nan told Hang Chu Xiao. When he returned with Hang Chu Xiao, Ling Man and Ling Wang frowned.

"Who is she? She is not Doctor Tang." Ling Wang said.

Ling Man did not say anything yet. That man who showed this house to them probably mistaken this young doctor. Probably this girl just had the surname 'Tang'.