Chapter 910: Follow Yu Qi Around

The gothic lolita finally understood that the girl just saved her from colliding with this person. She somehow felt the girl looked more handsome. 

She felt the girl was very kind. Her thought was simple. The girl had saved her so the girl must be kind. 

Yu Qi realised that the gothic lolita was still in her hug. She immediately released her.

"I am sorry for pulling you like that." Yu Qi apologized.

"No need. Thank... thank you for saving me." The gothic lolita shook her head and waved her hands. "My name is Dian Qi Qi. Can I know your name?" She asked in an embarrassing tone.

"I am Tang Yu Qi. Nice to meet you. Oh, for your information, I have nothing to do with Su Fan, except being his boss." Yu Qi introduced herself and quickly explained the relationship between Su Fan and her.

"Oh, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding." Dian Qi Qi bowed as she apologized about it.