Chapter 975: Real Professional

Chi Yuan went to select her stones. Unlike Yu Qi who just looked at the stones, Chi Yuan went to touch and felt the stones. This act showed that she was a professional. 

Everyone praised Chi Yuan's actions. Even Chu Mingshu nodded with approval when he saw how Chi Yuan selected her stones. He turned to Yu Qi and wanted her to see how the professional worked but that girl seemed did not to care about that. She just talked to her friend at the corner. 

Chu Mingshu snorted and turned back to his disciple. Chi Yuan spent about 30 minutes selecting her stones. After that, she went to weigh her stones. The price of her stones was about 5 million. Half of Yu Qi's stones. 

The next process was cutting the stones. They would need a lapidary, someone who cuts, polishes and engraves gems.

"Our shop has the certificated lapidary that you can choose." The shopkeeper said to Yu Qi and Chi Yuan.