Chapter 1005: I Can't Read Yours

"My name is Tang Yu Qi and this is my fiance, Long Hui." Yu Qi said.

" it is Miss Tang." Shun Yukuhama was happy to get to know her name.

"So, can I get my fortune read now?" Yu Qi asked.

Shin Yukuhama frowned. "I am sorry to disappoint you, Miss Tang. I can't read your fortune."


"When I see a person's face, I can immediately see his or her fortune. But when I have seen your face, there are clouds blocking the view. I can not read your fortune." Shun Yukuhama told Yu Qi.

"I see." Yu Qi understood. 

It was probably because of her rebirth and the existence of her space. She did not know why she had been reborn. She did ask Bo Ya about it but Bo Ya also did not know about the reason why she had been reborn.

"Then, what about him?" Yu Qi pointed at Long Hui.

"His fate has already tangled with you. So, I can't read his fortune as well." Shun Yukuhama sighed.