Chapter 1024: Saving A Person In The Way

So, Yu Qi leaned over towards Nurse Wei Ying and whispered, "Are you okay?" 

"Doctor Yu Qi... I want to ask Doctor Pei something. But I am afraid that he will ignore me." Doctor Wei Ying said.

Doctor Wei Ying was a new nurse who had started working at Tang Hospital a month ago. She was a fresh graduate from the university. Due to the good words from her internship place, she managed to get a job at Tang Hospital. 

She was also a cute person. Right now, Yu Qi could see the slight blush on her cheek making her look cuter.

"What do you want to ask him?" Yu Qi asked.

"Well... I want to ask if he has a girlfriend or not." Nurse Wei Ying said.

"Do you want me to help you?" Yu Qi whispered back.

"Really?" Nurse Wei Ying blinked faster.

"Well... I can just ask. If he does not answer it then, there is nothing with which I can help." Yu Qi said.

"It is okay." Nurse Wei Ying said.

"Okay, then." Yu Qi nodded.