Chapter 1027: Being Threatened

"Doctor Yu Qi, are you okay?" Nurse Shing Ten asked because she saw Yu Qi in a bad mood. 

Yu Qi realized that Nurse Shing Ten was there. 

"Sorry. Something comes up. I am okay." Yu Qi nodded. She adjusted her mood quickly.

"Doctor Yu Qi, you have a patient." Nurse Shing Ten informed. 

"Okay." Yu Qi nodded and went to see the patient.

It was a young girl in her teens. She came together with her mother. 

"Why are you here?" Yu Qi asked the girl.

However, it was not the girl who answered it, instead, it was her mother. "My daughter is feeling dizzy. She has also not eaten much lately alongside the case of her fainting before. That is why we have come here."

Yu Qi nodded. She looked at the file. The girl's name was Xi Naine and her mother was Su Won. She checked the girl. She noticed that there was a small bump on her stomach. 

"How old are you?" Yu Qi asked.

"I am 17 years old." Xi Naine answered.

"High school?"