Chapter 1032: Make A Police Report

Yu Qi called Tang Jin Wei. That time, Tang Jin Wei was having dinner with his girlfriend, Ke Su Su. He was confused when Yu Qi called him out of a sudden.

"What is it? Is the hospital calling?" Ke Su Su asked.

"No. It's my little sister." Tang Jin Wei said.

"You should pick up her call. It is probably important." Ke Su Su knew that the 'little sister' mentioned by Tang Jin Wei was Yu Qi. 

"Hello, Little Sis." Tang Jin Wei answered the call. 

"Brother Jin Wei, are you at home right now?" Yu Qi asked.

Tang Jin Wei: "Nope. I am having dinner with Su Su. What is the matter?" 

Yu Qi: "I see. Do you have any plan after dinner?" 

Tang Jin Wei: "Not really. Why?" 

Yu Qi: "Can you pick up me at a cafe nearby the northeast Town?" 

Tang Jin Wei: "What happen?"

Yu Qi: "Something has happened. I have lost my bag. Luckily I have put this phone with me."

Tang Jin Wei: "Really? Okay. I will pick you up."