Chapter 1047: Similar

Yu Qi stayed inside her room for the evening. She entered her space to cook for her little cuties. Her little cuties did not want to eat someone else's food. They wanted to eat her cooking. 

Lost in their cuteness, she cooked and let them eat until their bellies were full. She exited the space and lay on the bed for a while. Until someone knocked on her door.

She stood up and opened the door to see a young woman dressed in the maid uniform. Yu Qi was wondering if something mattered. 

"Yes?" Yu Qi asked.

"Old Master Long has already arrived. I have been asked to call you, Miss." The maid said.

"I see. Thank you. I will greet Grandpa Long." Yu Qi thanked the maid.

Yu Qi looked at her clothes. She felt her clothes were okay. So, she decided to go to meet Grandpa Long. The maid had already disappeared from her sight. She did not think much about that.

Yu Qi met Fang Mo Jin on the way.