Chapter 1079: Little Admirers

It would feel amazing to see how her big brother handled things like this. She also wanted to see Ding Na An's reaction to this kind of situation.

Su Ming Dia looked at the woman who stood beside Tang Han Lee. She remembered this woman because she was the one that Clara had fought yesterday. She was wondering as for why this woman was together with Tang Han Lee this time.

Ding Na An appeared. She just went to the ladies before. She saw Su Ming Dia as she approached Tang Han Lee and Yu Qi. 

"Na An...." Tang Han Lee called Ding Na An's name.

Su Ming Dia felt threatened. She did not feel anything toward the previous woman but this woman, she knew when she saw Tang Han Lee softened his expression when looking at this woman.

"This is...?" Ding Na An asked Tang Han Lee while looking at Su Ming Dia.

"I have kind of saved her yesterday. She has come to thank me." Tang Han Lee explained to his fiancee.

"I see. Is it over?" Ding Na An asked.