Chapter 1089: Double Investigation

Long Hui narrowed his eyes. This skill was comparable to the person in the intelligence department. Well, she probably was more advanced than those guys. If she was his enemy and wanted to steal their country's data, they would not win against her.

Yu Qi was so happy to get the information that she wanted. 

Yu Qi looked at the information that she just gotten. She opened the information about Mr. Jack. Sure enough, Mr. Jack was from Country Helix. His real name was Peter Jackson. 

Another man that Yu Qi took his information was the man that gave the white powder. His name was Curtis Artic. He was a low-level subordinate of Peter Jackson. 

It seemed that Peter Jackson was unaware of his act that selling the white powder. He took a small amount of the white powder each time and sold it at a much lower price. If Peter Jackson knew Curtis Artic's doing, he would definitely be mad since the white powder could be sold at a higher price to another country.