Chapter 1129: Transfer His Assets To Her Name

"Me too." Shino also voiced his thought.

Of course, those little cuties would eat whatever their master cooked for them. 

"Hmmm... I will be going to the space for a little bit. Bo Ya is also hungry too." Yu Qi prepared a portion for Bo Ya too.

'Thank you, Master.' Bo Ya thanked Yu Qi via telepathy.

Yu Qi entered the space and gave the food to Bo Ya. After that, she went out right away. Shino and Aoi already started eating. Long Hui was waiting for Yu Qi.

"Why don't you eat first?" Yu Qi sat down in front of Long Hui.

"Waiting for you." Long Hui smiled.

They started to eat. While eating, they talked about their daily life.

"Oh, I want to borrow your private jet. Can I?" Yu Qi suddenly asked. 

She needed to go to Fanghai Nation the next day. Since she did not have much time to spare, she figured to go to Fanghai Nation using Long Hui's private jet.