Chapter 1176: Put The Thought Of Getting Married To Me Away

"Grandma Wei, what should we do now? I... I..." Chi Yuan continued to sob.

"Don't worry. We will try to call the hospital. Can you find the hospital's contact number?" Grandma Wei tried to calm Chi Yuan down.

"Yes." Chi Yuan looked up Tang Private Hospital.

She immediately called the number. The call was picked up right away.

"Hello. This is Tang Private Hospital. May I help you?" A woman answered.

"Hmm... I am looking for Doctor Tang Yu Qi. Is she there?" Grandma Wei asked.

"Hmm... May I know who's speaking?" The woman asked again.

"I am her fiancé's grandmother. Could I speak to her right now?" Grandma Wei introduced her name.

"Oh, I see. Wait a minute. I will get her for you." The woman said.

So, they waited for about 5 minutes before the woman got back to the call. 

"I am sorry to inform you that Doctor Yu Qi is currently in surgery." The woman informed Grandma Wei.

"For how long?" Grandma Wei asked.