Chapter 1178: Both Parties Are Fighting

"So, when you met her, what did you think about her?" Li Zuanyuan asked back.

"I thought she was beautiful." Li Yan told his honest feeling.

"So, did you want to make her yours?" Li Zuanyuan asked.

"Objection, Your Honour, leading." Ming Xuehai interfered. 

"Objection sustained." The judge agreed with Ming Xuehai. 

Li Zuanyuan coughed. "During the lunch, what did you discuss?"

"We discussed the project. Miss Tang has many good ideas that she wants to apply to her building." Li Yan answered confidently. 

"I have nothing further to ask anymore, your Honour." Li Zuanyuan backed off.

Then, Ming Xuehai called the next witness which was the couple who pretended to be Li Yan and Yu Qi on that day. When Chi Yuan saw them, her eyes widened.