Chapter 1249: Nothing To Worry About Her

Tang Han Lee frowned when he read the article. This article obviously wanted to ruin his little sister's reputation. 

"What a joke."

It was from Tang Jin Wei. He just finished attending to the patient when he heard the commotion. So, he came and wanted to know about the situation. He was just about to greet his big brother and he found out about the article too.

"What? What do you mean by what a joke?" The obsessed fan who gave the phone to Tang Han Lee to read the article was angry at Tang Jin Wei.

Tang Jin Wei took out his phone and searched for something. Then, he showed it to the obsessed fans. 

"What do you think about this person?" Tang Jin Wei asked.

The obsessed fans were mesmerized by the picture. 

"Who is this man?"

"He looks very handsome."

"Not to mention, he is wearing the soldier uniform."

"He looks so sexy with that uniform."

"Tell me who he is."

"Yeah... Yeah... Tell me."