Chapter 1266: The Drunking Yu Qi Part One

They did not talk about Yu Qi's business. Their family found out by coincidence. As Qi Qi Skincare, they found out when Yu Qi give them a lot of samples from the company. Then, as for HuiQi Jade Store, they knew about the store when Yu Qi invited them to the grand opening of the store. 

"She must use a lot of money." Song Da Lang said.

"In case, you misunderstand. She never asks for money from our company. She has the money before coming to our family." Tang Jin Wei stated the fact.

"Oh, I don't know about that. I assume she gets the money from Tang Family." Song Da Lang said.

"No, she used her own money." Tang Jin Wei said. 

The person in the article was ignorant about that. She did not have time to look at her phone since her fiance was beside her. Yu Qi and Long Hui left the party a little bit earlier than other people.