Chapter 1276: Got Beaten Up Out Of Nowhere

After having dinner with his friends, Bai Yu went to the nightclub. As he was a regular VIP at this nightclub, he was given a private book to enjoy. The nightclub also prepared some women to entertain Bai Yu.

Seeing several beautiful women entering the room, Bai Yu forgot the rejection by Yu Qi this evening. Even though he liked Yu Qi's beauty, he would not reject other beautiful women who came to him. 

He and his friends ordered the drink. The women served the young masters diligently. 

"Bai Yu, I heard you will start working soon, is that true?" One of his friends asked.

"Yeah. My mother forces me to do it even though I don't want to." Bai Yu admitted. "I want to be playing without worrying about working." 

"I also dream about that." His friend laughed.

"Your brother will be inherited your father's position, right?" Another friend asked.