Chapter 1311: Returning To Binhai Nation

Country Brin was dumbfounded that Big Silver Mercenary who had been a threat to their country vanished one night. Just because of one woman.

The high-ranking soldiers asked their soldiers who were involved in the mission about that. They got the same answer telling that most of the killing had been done by Yu Qi. Even Big Silver Mercenary's leader was killed by Yu Qi.

They could not believe it. That woman was just a doctor. Well, she might be a talented doctor but she was still a doctor but not a freaking killer. 

However, after getting the same answer from other soldiers, they had to accept the reality. That woman really helped them in destroying Big Silver Mercenary. 

They needed to submit the report to their military. 


Yu Qi checked Long Hui's condition one more time to make sure that Long Hui recovered. As Yu Qi predicted, Long Hui was perfectly fine. He could walk and even run.