Chapter 1320: Losing Her Friend

Qiao Ding pulled Min Jinyi's hand telling her to stop. But Min Jinyi did not care anymore.

"Mr. Long already has his fiance and he loves her very much. I don't think you should disturb them. I know you are his childhood friend but you don't need to act like you are so important to him when you are clearly not." Min Jinyi continued.

"Jinyi, you..." Chi Yuan was shocked to hear her friend say something like that to her.

"Am I wrong? Chi Yuan, you should love yourself more. There are plenty of men in this world besides Mr. Long. Do you need to chase him like that?" Min Jinyi was still not finished.

"What's wrong chasing a man like that? He is so handsome." Liu Wen Sui said.

Min Jinyi and Qiao Ding looked at Liu Wen Sui. They felt they did not suitable to be Liu Wen Sui's friend. It was better to end it now since they just got to know her recently. But Chi Yuan was different. They knew her since university.