Chapter 1349: Filed A Report

Li Yan sighed when he still did not receive any news about Yu Qi. Two days ago, he waited for Yu Qi to meet him at Nigeru Koen. He received the message telling him that she just landed and would be heading to the destination.

He just replied okay and did his work. However, after a long time, Yu Qi still not arrive. He tried to call her but she did not answer. 

Then, after waiting for a little more, Li Yan decided to call Su Yu Hi. When Yu Qi was too busy with her other work, he used to consult Su Yu Hi.

"What? She is still not arriving? It is impossible. She should arrive by now." Su Yu Hi told Li Yan by phone.

"But she is not here yet." Li Yan stated.

"Okay... I will try to call her." Su Yu Hi said.

So, Li Yan just could wait for Su Yu Hi's news.

Su Yu Hi called Yu Qi's phone several times but still, but Yu Qi did not answer the call. He became worried. It became more visible even Song Su Jin who was with him at that moment noticed it.