Chapter 1377: Trespassing Someone Else's House

Yu Qi needed to take out the lake water. So, she needed a place to do it. She thought about Grandpa Tang's house. The place would be okay.

So, she and Long Hui drove to Grandpa Tang's house. The light was up. It was probably Uncle Song Nan. He lived there. 

The moment they got out of the car, they were relieved something was weird. There was a piece of loud music coming from the house. They went to the entrance. 

The door was closed. Yu Qi knocked on the door. No one came to open it. She tried to open the door. Turned out it was unlocked. 

Yu Qi opened the door and loud music blasted into her ears. She frowned. Long Hui also frowned as well.

Uncle Song Nan would not do something like this. He was a quiet type of person. It should be another person inside the house.