Chapter 1477: Sense The Cultivation Power From Him

After she died, her soul still remained there. She watched her senior brothers choosing to explode themselves as well. 

She killed herself to protect them but they also killed themselves. Yu Qi could not forgive herself because of that. 

"Yue, everything that happens has its reasons. They choose death because they knew that they would not survive that. That old man had planned to torture them after your death. It would be more horrible if that happened." Qin Xia explained.

"What? He wanted to torture them?" Yu Qi was shocked.

"Yeah. Even though you died, the old man thought one of them would know about your space a little. He was willing to do anything to obtain information." Qin Xia said. 

Yu Qi was quite naive at that time. She thought that with her death, her senior brothers would be fine. Now, she knew that she was wrong.

Yu Qi was crying. Qin Xia wanted to calm her up by hugging her but someone beat him ahead.