Chapter 1510: Later, Asking Grandma Wei For Help

Grandma Wei was feeling weird when Chi Yuan did not come to her house today. So, she immediately called Chi Yuan. 

At that time, Chi Yuan just finished trashing her room. She was quite tired. When she heard the call and looked at the name that appeared on the screen, she clicked her tongue. However, she adjusted her mood and answered the call.

"Hello." Chi Yuan answered with an unusual voice.

Grandma Wei noticed the change. She began to worry and immediately asked about that. "Dear, what happened to your voice?" 

Hearing the concern from Grandma Wei, Chi Yuan wanted to sob but she held back. "Nothing, Grandma Wei."

"I know you. You did not come to my house today. You must be having trouble. Your voice sounds like you want to cry. Tell me, what happened?" Grandma Wei asked softly.

"Grandma Wei..." Chi Yuan started to cry. 

Grandma Wei became panicked. "My dear, why are you crying like that? Tell grandma. Who knows if I can help?"