Chapter 1529: Her Identity

He was more interested in the girl who entered just now. He wanted to know what the ancestor meant when he told him that she already knew the way. 

"I will go in first." Qin Xia said.

The man nodded and bowed. He went to see the girl. He searched for the girl around. Then he found her in the most sacred place which was the former room of the beloved junior sister of Qin Xia. 

He rushed over to prevent the girl from entering the room. But when he heard after that was shocking.

"Senior Brother Xia build the same courtyard for me. It has been thousand years but he still remembers the design. He even remembers the fan." The girl laughed.

The man trembled. He slowly approached the girl.

"Young Miss Qin Yue?" The man tried to call Yu Qi.

"Yes?" Yu Qi answered.

She felt that she has returned to when she was Qin Yue. 

"You are really Young Miss Qin Yue?" The man's voice trembled.

"Yes. But I go with Yu Qi now." Yu Qi stated.