Chapter 1546: Failed To Detect The Location

Their system had an alarm system. If someone touched the 10th firewall, the alarm would be triggered like this time. 

"So, they are working together." Alex gritted his teeth knowing this now.

Someone provoked them openly so that, their attention would be all on this man. It would make sure that another person could break into their security system in silence. 

Luckily they had the alarm system, otherwise, these people would successfully hack into their system. 

Yu Qi smiled when she had been detected. It seemed she needed to take care of this matter on another day.

Before she took her leave, she bluntly left another message to her enemy. 

'I am having fun. I will come back again. Take care. From Q.' At the end, she put the smiling cat face.

The next moment, all of the computers in the room showed the message. Alex slammed his hand on the table. 

"This psycho!!!" Alex shouted angrily.