Chapter 1610: Check The CCTV

Yu Qi felt the outside was dark again. She was inside the car trunk. Her legs and hands were not tied up. It made things easy for Yu Qi.

She touched her watch. Her watch glows in the dark. 

"Neko-chan, Neko-chan are you hear me? If you hear me, please respond in a low voice." Yu Qi whispered to her watch.

Right after that, a voice answered Yu Qi's call. It was Neko-chan.

"Master, Master... You use the watch. Are you in danger right now?" Neko-chan asked.

Yu Qi's watch was kind of special. It looked like a normal watch that had a number and its needle. However, it was a smartwatch that could call people and also acted like a GPS. It would detect the person's location when the person wore it.

"Hmm... You can call Brother Hui and tell him about the my location. You also need to tell Brother Hui to calm down. Do not panic and follow as we plan. Also, tell him that I am safe right now." Yu Qi gave Neko-chan the order.