Chapter 1644: Unreasonable Woman

Yu Qi walked with Xia Biya together with Aoi in the pet carrier. She wanted to bring Aoi openly. 

Aoi did not want to sit in the pet carrier but as his master requested, he sat obediently. When they went to check in for Aoi, the person in charge praised Aoi for being obedient. 

The gate finally opened after one hour. They boarded the plane. Xia Biya wanted to have a window seat. So, Yu Qi booked a window seat and a middle seat.

They sat at the booked seat. Then, came a woman with a young boy. The boy wanted probably about 10 years old or something like that.

"Hey, you. Change your seat to my son's seat." The woman suddenly pointed her finger at Xia Biya and said that.

Xia Biya was surprised to get yelled out like that. She held Yu Qi's hand. She was not used to facing people like that.

Yu Qi frowned. "No." She answered on Xia Biya's behalf. 

"I am not asking you. I am asking her." The woman shouted at Yu Qi.