Chapter 1663: Grandpa Tang's Birthday Party, Tang Heng Nuo Being Insulted

The birthday party for Grandpa Tang would be held at the hotel. Grandpa Tang invited all of the hospital staff. If they were free, they could come. He also invited his friends.

Grandpa Feng and Grandpa Long were on the list. They were promised to come over. 

Yu Qi asked Long Hui if he was busy or not on that day. Long Hui already informed that he would be free and could come to celebrate Grandpa Tang's birthday.

On the day of the party, the guests arrived at the venue. Since Grandpa Tang was famous around the world, a lot of guests from around the world came over. 

Grandpa Tang had secluded himself from the world. He did not show himself to the public too often. 

When the news came over telling that Grandpa Tang would hold the party, everyone was trying to get the invitation for the party. 

Tang Heng Nuo and Tang Bo Lin were very cute in their clothes. Tang Heng Nuo wore a light pink dress. While Tang Bo Lin was in his suit.