Chapter 1701: Remind Him Of The Past

After spending one more day in the cultivation world, Qin Xia and Yu Qi returned to the outside world. Once Yu Qi stepped outside of the mountain, the phone started to receive a lot of notifications. 

Yu Qi checked her phone. Some of them were from her colleagues, Tang Family and Su Yu Hi. However, most of them were from Long Hui. She thought she did leave a message to Long Hui saying she would be going to the cultivation world. 

She wondered why there were so many missed calls from him. She immediately called Long Hui back. After one ring, the phone was answered.

"Qi Qi?" Long Hui said.

"Hmm... What is the matter?" Yu Qi asked.

"Where are you right now?" Long Hui asked.

"I am on the way back home. I just come out of the cultivation world." Yu Qi answered.

"Cultivation world? With whom?" Long Hui asked again.

"With Senior Brother Xia? What is going on?" Yu Qi asked.