Chapter 1711: The Ferret Is Mine

However, Long Hui stopped him. 

"No need. This ferret is mine." Long Hui said. 

"What? This ferret is yours?" The old man asked.

"Yes." Long Hui rubbed Shino's head and smiled.

Yao Ran was mesmerized by the smile that was given by Long Hui. She was thinking to be with this man. However, the dream had been destroyed by Long Hui's next statement.

"Technically, it is my fiance's pet. She wants me to remember her. That's why she gave this ferret to me." Long Hui stated.

"You are engaged to someone else?" The old man was also surprised to hear that. 

"Yes." Long Hui nodded.

"And your grandfather approves that?" The old man asked.

"Of course. He is happy with my choice. He treated her as his own granddaughter. Sometimes, he even forgets about me." Long Hui stated.