Chapter 1718: Slander Her On The Internet

The next day, an article about a female chairman of a huge corporation having an affair with a married man was published. There were no names mentioned in the article. 

So, people began to make guesses about the identities of the cheating couple. The obvious clue that they could get from the article was the female was the chairman of the huge company. They started to comment on the article about the identity of the cheating couple.

"I think I know who the female chairman is."

"Are you thinking the same?"

"There is only one female chairman that I know."

"Is that true that she is the one?"

"So, who are you guessing?"

"Tang Yu Qi right? The chairman of Qinyue Group?"

"I think so."

"What? Why though? Why should she be cheating with a married man?

"I thought she had a fiancee. That fiancee of hers is a very handsome soldier. He is even a high-ranking soldier."