Chapter 1729: Ambush Ning Sung To Get Some News

"Mr Ning, are you not aware of the news between you and Miss Tang?" The woman asked.

"What? What do you mean about that?" Ning Sung was still in confused.

The woman looked at the man. She then took out her phone and opened the article. She showed it to Ning Sung. 

Ning Sung was very shocked to see the title and the picture. It was his picture with Yu Qi during their meeting. He did not need to read the whole article to know what the article was about. 

"This is a lie. I don't have any relationship with Chairman Tang except she is my boss right now." Ning Sung denied everything that was written in the article. 

Ning Sung finally understood why everyone was looking at him like that earlier. It must be about the article. 

"Mr Ning, can we interview you? We are the reporter from Hansu Media News." The woman asked.

Ning Sung did not want to be interviewed.