Chapter 1736: Love Rival? She Is Not Worth It

"Do you call your grandfather?" Long Hui asked.

"Grandpa told me not to contact him for about 3 months. So, I listen to him and not call him." Yao Ran said.

To be honest, she was quite worried about her grandfather. Her grandfather's enemy was quite strong this time. She was afraid if she called her grandfather now, those people might find out about her. She did not want her grandfather's effort to be wasted.

Long Hui nodded. Well, it was wise for Yao Ran to think so. He did not want to waste any time here anymore. He wanted to spend with his beloved Qi Qi.

Yao Ran seemed to notice that Long Hui already wanted to leave. She did not want Long Hui to leave yet.

"Brother Long, how about we have lunch together?" Yao Ran suggested. She looked at Yu Qi as she seemed to want to overpower Yu Qi.

Yu Qi also looked at Yao Ran. 'How cute.' She smiled at Yao Ran.