Chapter 1773: Her Auntie Took Her In

"Yeah, she told me that she was in the bathroom doing her business. Even after two hours, she did not return. So, I went back to look for her but couldn't find her anywhere. So, I reported her to the head maid." Mei Ling said. 

"Well, she made a lot of mistakes while she was working." 

"Yeah, remember when she knocked out the vase."

"She also broke a lot of dishes. One day, she broke First Madam's tea set. She was lucky that First Madam did not blame her for that." 

"Remember when she did not clean Young Master Bo Lin's room properly? Young master Bo Lin almost got injured." 

"I was surprised that she was still here until today."

"She did not act as proper maid." 

"Yeah. She was stupid to disappear like that today. She should know that we get an awesome pay working here even though we are just maids." 

"Let's stop talking about her and get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."