Chapter 1804: Call The Authorized People

'Master, I am here.' Aoi said.

Yu Qi could see Aoi standing in front of the men's toilet. It seems the man went into the toilet and had been inside for a while. 

"Is he planning to wait until the mall is closed?" Yu Qi whispered.

"Probably, let's wait until he comes out." Long Hui stated.

The stores started to close. Some of the areas had their lights off. It was the same as the area at the men's toilet where Yu Qi and Long Hui were waiting. 

One hour later, the shopping mall was completely closed to the public. Then, they suddenly heard a sound inside the men's toilet. It seems the man was coming out. As he came out, he looked around cautiously. 

He checked if there were any people around. Seeing the area was cleared, he walked around. Then, he stopped at a tree that had been planted inside the vase. He dug the soil and planted something inside.