Chapter 1811: Tang Heng Nuo Is Nowhere To Be Found

Auntie Su Xiao was surprised to see the trolley.

"This is all for Bo Lin?" Auntie Su Xiao asked.

"Hmm... He chose them by himself." Yu Qi nodded.

"It is about games that require thinking." Auntie Ming Yue commented.

"He likes toys like that." Yu Qi smiled as she patted Tang Bo Lin's head. "Where is Heng Nuo?"

Everyone looked around but did not see Tang Heng Nuo anywhere. Auntie Su Xiao started to panic. 

"Auntie Su, don't panic. She must be somewhere in this store. I don't think she will go out." Yu Qi calmed Auntie Su Xiao down.

"Let's ask the staff if they saw the girl." Auntie Ming Yue said.

Auntie Su Xiao did not want her son to go missing too, so she grabbed Tang Bo Lin's hand. They went to ask the staff.

"Excuse me. Have you seen a 2-year-old girl around?" Yu Qi asked the staff.

"Did she go missing?" The staff asked.

"Yes. Please help me find my daughter." Auntie Su Xiao begged the staff.