Chapter 1815: Call Your Manager Now!

Yu Qi returned to her penthouse around 8 p.m. to receive the delivery from the two stores. Yu Qi went inside her space first to cook for her contracted beasts. 

After eating, she went out to wait for the delivery. As they promised, they arrived at 9 p.m.

"Hello, Miss Tang, we are from Gentlemen Store and Beauty Store to deliver the suits and the dresses. 

Yu Qi nodded. "Come in. You can put them over there."

The two men came in bringing the clothes that had been carefully wrapped with plastic. The clothes had been handed with care. Yu Qi could see that. They were very careful with their clothes.

"Thank you." Yu Qi stated.

"The owner expressed their thank for buying the clothes from them." One of the men said.

"Hmm... thank you too." Yu Qi nodded.

The men left the penthouse. Yu Qi picked up the clothes and hung them in the closet. If she had time later, she would go and pick up some jewelry to be worn for the award ceremony.